Here Goes Nothing…

Christopher Johnson
2 min readMar 2, 2018

Well… This is something I never thought I would do but here I am. I am now blogging.

Before I move on to explain my reason for starting a blog I feel like I need to share a little about who I am and how I got to where I am now. I grew up near Boulder, Colorado and ended up going to college at Oregon State University. At Oregon State University I graduated with a bachelor of science in economics. There I found my passion for finding out why everything happens the way it does and my enjoyment of policy and politics. While in college I had the privilege of helping to run my fraternity brother’s campaign for student government and running the election with him the following year.

After college, I moved back to Colorado and found a job managing parking garages around the front range of Colorado(Denver to Boulder). I shortly found out I did not enjoy the career path I chose for myself and knew I needed to make a change. I wanted to get back to what I really enjoyed of knowing why and found myself looking into data science and coding. Shortly after I decided to take a risk on myself and quit my job to teach myself Python. Learning something very different and the challenging myself brought me joy that I had not had since college. I knew I needed some type of formal teaching in data science and ended up getting accepted into General Assembly’s Data Science Immersive program. This is where I am at now.

Now for the reason, I am starting a blog. Part of the Data Science Immersive is a capstone project. We are “encouraged” to blog about our experience through the capstone project and I am taking to take on as a challenge. As mentioned earlier, blogging is something I or my friends who I am going to force to read this, never thought I would do. But as I am pretty much through my first blog I think I am going to enjoy more than I previously thought. Anyway, for my capstone project, I am going to compare election results to the following year’s voter registration numbers in the state of Colorado. I will be explaining more about this in the blog posts to come. Also, there might be some blogs about other projects I am working on or anything else I feel the need to write about. Hope you enjoy and continue to follow along on my journey.

P.S. Hopefully my blogging formatting will get better as time goes on and thank you for bearing with me as I am learning. #GoBeavs



Christopher Johnson

Data Scientist and Data Analyst trying out new techniques and always exploring new datasets.